
Rubus Idaeus (Raspberry) Fruit Extract

EWG Rating

EWG Rating Score of 1Scientific Name: {Rubus idaeus}

Raspberries are a favorite of many people who enjoy their sweet flavor. But, if you have ever had the opportunity to pick raspberries, you know how fun it can be to work through the bushes and pull fresh, ripe raspberries right from the spiny stalks.

While most people are familiar with red raspberries, did you know there are different varieties? They can rangefrom black to purple, yellow, and white? Some types are more prevalent in other parts of the world. The red raspberry is the most common and well-loved variety for both eating and skincare.

red raspberries used in skin care

Raspberries have some benefits for the skin, whether applied topically or consumed.

Though it might be tempting to mash up some fresh raspberries from the supermarket, you may get a red face. Therefore, it is best to use an extract that is from raspberries.


Raspberries are packed with helpful antioxidants. There is much discussion about antioxidants in the skincare community, what they are for, and how valuable they are for the skin. The most concise description of what antioxidants do is protect the skin from free radicals. Free radicals are exasperated from sun exposure. Unfortunately, they also cause premature aging.

When exposed to too much sun or environmental pollutants, the skin can encounter free radicals, which can significantly age your complexion's surface, leaving you with fine lines and wrinkles.

When free radicals increase, they destroy individual skin cells; they can cause some cells to mutate and reproduce unchecked, which can be the beginning stages of cancer. The antioxidants in raspberries protect the skin from free radicals.


Raspberries are high in some vital nutrients, from vitamin C to iron. Vitamin C is crucial for women who want to improve their skin's brightness and combat the signs of aging. The skin can readily replenish itself with the proper nutrients, preventing lines and wrinkles exacerbated by dead and dying skin cells.

Naturally high source of Salicylic Acid

Raspberry is one of the only fruits naturally high in salicylic acid, a favorite of most people in natural acne treatments. Unlike other acne treatments that dry out the skin, salicylic acid helps slough off dead skin cells and keep the skin at a balanced moisture level. This keeps your pores looking clear so that bacteria can't get clogged.